Fishing the Animas River |
ANIMAS RIVER: Colorado's and New
Mexico's newest
Gold Medal water boasts many brown and rainbow trout 14-18 inches and
some smaller cutthroats. Snowmelt usually
brings high
water starting in mid May and running through early July.
Snow pack, temperatures and rain can effect high water periods. If the
water is high, fish in shallower water as the trout will migrate
closer to the banks to seek refuge. Look for good seams created by
bends in the river or large boulders.
Elk Hair Caddis #12-16, Wulffs, Humpies, Irresistibles, Trudes
#12-16, Green Drakes #12, Stimulators #6-l2.
Nymphs and
Hare's Ears #I0-14, Prince & Beadheads #8-16, Caddis Larva & Pupa
#12-16, Bird's Stone #6-12, Twenty-Incher #6-l0, Halfback #6-12, Woolly
Bugger #2/0- 4, Clouser Minnow #2/0 - 2, Sculpins #2/0 to 2, Muddler
Minnow#2/0- 6, Double Bunnies,
Restrictions: Open year-round. From Lightner
Creek to Purple Cliffs, artificial flies and lures only. The bag and possession
limit for trout is 2 fish, 16"or longer.
Be aware of where you fish near Durango
as there are restrictions and some private land.
Location: Take Highway 160 to
Highway 550 to a stretch of the Animas River near Durango.
