Pedersen Logsmiths Inc. |
Box 788 Hwy 93.,
North Challis, Idaho 83226 |
208-879-4211 |
Pedersen Logsmiths
has been building custom handcrafted log homes since 1988, originally as Jeff
Pedersen-Logsmith. In 2000, we changed our company name to Pedersen Logsmiths,
Inc. It was a change in name only. As a handcrafter, we are
dedicated to building a home that is unique to you. Therefore, we do not offer a
catalog of plans. We do hope, with this website, to answer some of the questions you may have and give you an
understanding of our company and what we offer.
Steve Pinther
Custom Build Homes |
Box 245, 412 Main St.,
Ashton, Idaho 83420 |
208-652-38906 |

Whether it's a fly fishing
retreat or a year round home that you desire, let me
design and build it for you. I can build in any area of
South Eastern Idaho, Western Wyoming, and Southern
specialize in the Island Park and Driggs, Idaho area for
mountain homes and on the Henry's Fork of the Snake
River in the Upper Snake River Valley for Ashton, St.
Anthony, Rexburg, Rigby and Idaho Falls area homes.
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