The Teton
River originates on the west slope of
the Teton Mountains near the picturesque towns of Driggs and
Victor, Idaho. The Teton will flow westerly to its confluence with
North Fork of the Snake River, west the small Idaho town
of St. Anthony. The Teton River Canyon lies hidden amidst rolling potato fields and
drainage supports populations of wild and hatchery rainbow trout,
hybrid rainbow x cutthroat trout (cutt-bows), and brook trout. No
bull trout are known to be present in the drainage. Often the
Teton is overlook from the highway or not seen when farmland crops
reach a particular height.
the Teton River. Photo courtesy of
Teton Valley Chamber of Commerce.
The upper sections of the river runs through scenic Teton Basin just
north of Driggs Idaho. With
its flat valley floor, sandhill cranes and views of the Teton
range it can be a wonderful experience for the both the fisherman
and kayaker. The lower section has carved a narrow canyon and
access to the river is not as convenient as
with most eastern Idaho rivers. Exists are mostly at bridge
crossings, since there are very few readily accessible roads that runs
along the river.
Fishing: Drift-boat
fishing might be popular, but cata-raft or kayak is more practical
since the river's level is determined by the previous winter's
snow fall. When it's low it exposes some rather large boulders and
rock formations. When it's high it can make a wild roller coaster
ride. Even a well experienced guide can be a little
apprehensive. But if you are a skilled kayaker it's a dream come
true. Some boating is not recommended such as between Idaho Highway
33 and Spring Hollow. Seven access ramps are available
between the Teton's start
and where Pine Creek and Trail Creek
combine, to its confluence with the Henry's Fork 75 miles
downstream. Most access points allow wading and bank fishing, but
the Rainey site is probably best. Some fly fisher's seem to favor
a stretch called Bitch Creek, where fish average about 14-18
inches. The Teton traditionally fishes well and often times during
the summer it may be the only river in the area where fish are
rising. More impressive is the fish always seem to be breaking water when feeding on flies during morning and evenings.
The Teton is an excellent fishery and many anglers fish this river
over some of the higher profile tributaries in the area for
obvious reasons.
Rods & flies:
4- to 6-weight rods are good for fishing the Teton
Floating line: Attractor patterns: grasshoppers, golden
stones, club sandwiches and Mensens.
Droppers: chocolate tungsten droppers, bead head hare's
ears, pheasant tails and prince nymphs.
Streamers: Articulated woolly buggers, egg sucking leech
patterns, marabou flies and clouser minnows.
This river
is open for fishing Memorial Day weekend to November 30, except
for Teton Creek and its tributaries,
which can't be fished until July 1. There's a two fish limit on
cutthroat. Other regulations may apply.