Information Provided by Idaho Parks & Recreation
The Old Mission (Mission of the Sacred Heart) is the oldest standing building in Idaho.
Jesuits (Blackrobes) arrived at the invitation of the Coeur d'Alenes in the early 1840's. The first
mission church was established on the St Joe River about 35 miles south of the present site. Due to
flooding, it was closed in 1846, and a new mission church was begun on this site, which has always
been sacred to the natives of the area.
The Old Mission (built 1848-1853) was a combined effort of the missionaries and over 300 native
Catholics. Fr. Ravalli, an Italian born Jesuit, designed the building to resemble the elegant
cathedrals of his homeland, using local materials. Wood was milled on the site, and wattle and daub
construction used to make the walls both durable and light. The decorations of the interior
illustrate both the piety of the workers and their ingenuity. Chandeliers were constructed from old tin cans,
the altar was faux-painted to resemble marble.
The Old Mission
(Mission of the Sacred Heart) is the oldest standing building in Idaho.
![Cataldo Mission (c) B Arellano](../images/cataldo.jpg) |
The Old Mission was the site of the council following the conflict with Col. Steptoe, and also served
as headquarters for the Mullan Road crew.
In 1887, the mission itself was moved to DeSmet, Idaho, to the Coeur d'Alene reservation. The
building still stands, as a monument to the cooperation of the Coeur d'Alene tribe and their
missionaries. The mission sits on a beautiful knoll, overlooking the Coeur d'Alene River. The mission
and parish house are open for tours, there are picnic grounds and walking paths with unobtrusive
interpretive speeches, a Visitor's center with a film show, and two historical cemeteries.
Cataldo (in Latin, Cathaldus or Cataldus).
![](../images/st.cataldo.jpg) |
About Father Pierre DeSmet:
Built the original Cataldo Mission on the St. Joe in 1842 just
north of town. Flooding caused him to move the Cataldo Mission of
the Sacred Heart to the Coeur d’ Alene River. He also named the
town of St. Maries (pronounced Saint Marys).
About Saint Cataldo:
Today the popularity of Saint
Cathaldus in Southern Italy is equal to, if not greater than, the
popularity of St. Patrick in Ireland. Over one hundred and fifty
churches are dedicated to him in that country and the
Cathedral-Basilica in Taranto proudly bears his name. He is the
Saint Protector of Corato (Bari), of Gangi (Palermo) and of many
other places. A town in Sicily is called San Cataldo.
In 1071, during the reconstruction
of the Basilica in Taranto, the tomb of Cathaldus was discovered
and opened. With his body was found a gold cross bearing his name
and the word Rathcau.