New Mexico's
Fenton Lake |
Fenton Lake
is located west of Los Alamos, on Highway 126. Fenton is a
popular year-round retreat surrounded by tall ponderosa
pines. The State Park sits at an elevation o f 7,900 feet
and covers 700 acres of land with a small 28 acre lake
that offers year-round fishing. Among its offerings are
stocked rainbow trout from the nearby hatchery, and a
natural population of German brown trout. Only small row
boats are allowed on the lake, and over-night camping is
available for $7. If you're only there for the day, there
is a $3 entrance fee or free use area on the east side of
the lake. Facilities include a group shelter, 40 developed
campsites (some with hookups) and restrooms.
Fenton Lake
State Park is 33 miles northwest of San Ysidro via NM
highways 4 and 126.
Fenton Lake State Park-
camping, fishing rest rooms, 8 miles northwest of La Cueva
on Hwy126 then Forest Service Rd#314 one mile.
About Jemez Springs:
Springs is nestled in a
beautiful, tree shaded valley. The rustic town has restaurants, lodging,
seasonal arts & craft fairs,
public bath house, as well as several galleries. |